1. Before going to sleep, drink a glass of warm water
  2. Wear comfortable clothes, keeping your ankles and wrist free of restriction
  3. When you’re finally laying down, slowly breathe in and out
  4. As you concentrate on your breath, you will slowly drift away
  5. When you do, gently pull your attention back
  6. As you enter your dream state, the your awareness and acknowledgement of this is a form of lucid dreaming
  7. The next step is making your body aware of the dream state
  8. Using your eyes as the connecting point between your real body and the dream body is a crucial part in managing the connection to gain full lucid control
  9. While squinting and opening your eyes might cause you to wake up, utilizing steps 3 through 5 should help you re-enter the state that you were once in
  10. Over the course of a few weeks, gaining more and more control of your dream body, you will start developing control over other aspects
  11. Finally you will gain full control of the dream body, allowing you to fully explore the dream world to your liking
  12. While this state is a constant struggle, losing control and become too aware might cause you to wake up; allowing yourself to lose a bit of control is required to maintain this state of control

